Monday, September 30, 2019

How Marriage Works

â€Å"Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, officials and permanent† according to PsychologyToday. Marriage allows your relationship to be recognized by the government. People can marry for multiple reasons, including religion, economic benefits, or for love and companionship. The social clock has changed in America, with more people marrying later in their life. There are many reasons why people are deciding to push marriage off. Marriage can be both beneficial and negative.Marriage can provide better economic stability for both partners. When you marry, you can receive a marital tax deduction. This allows you to transfer assets to your spouse without being taxed for it. You are also able to obtain your spouse's benefits including social security and health insurance. Prenuptials are a secure way to keep your assets in marriage. By having a prenuptial, people can keep their original assets no matter if there is a split or divorce. Married couples are generally more financially stable, with â€Å"the median household income of married families is twice gag of divorced households and four times that of esperares households† according to the website Marripedia.Married people also have mental health and biological benefits. For example, married people typically live longer: â€Å"Research consistently shows that couples in a committed marriage live longer that those that are single† said Ivy Jacobson, author of the article â€Å"13 Legal Benefits of Marriage.† Because both people feel constant support from their partners, mental stability is improved, allowing the couple to live longer and decrease the chance of depression. Mental health is extremely important in the health of the relationship. By bottling up emotions and thoughts, it can negatively impact your self-esteem and increase stress. By having a partner, you are allowed to open up and feel heard, decreasing that stress and improving the way you look at yourself. Marriage increases serotonin levels. Serotonin is a chemical and neurotransmitter in the human body and is â€Å"sometimes called the happy chemical because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness† stated James McIntosh in his article â€Å"What is Serotonin and What Does It Do?† Having a significant other to provide physical affection and emotional support triggers the release of serotonin, helping create a positive mindset. Marriage can also result in divorce and financial stability. According to the website DivorceStatistics, â€Å"current divorce statistics in America is estimated to be fifty percent.† It is projected that the divorce rate will continue at this same rate in the future, making your chance of a lasting marriage unlikely. As well as a chance that your marriage will fail, a divorce is very expensive. A divorce with child custody and support issues cost about 26 thousand dollars. A divorce without child custody and support is about 17 thousand dollars. These extremely high costs can leave both sides of the party in major economic distress. There is also a possibility that you could be marrying into a financial burden. If one person obtains debt, the spouse will carry that debt as well. â€Å"Researchers analyzed the relationship of 4500 couples and found arguments about money were the the top predictor of divorce† says Nancy Durham, author of â€Å"Should You Tie the Knot? Financial Reasons Why Marriage Might Be A Misstep.† As a married couple, you will need to plan your future financial situations and be able to save money efficiently. Negative mental health characteristics can also arise from marriage. One spouse may become too emotionally dependent on their partners, causing stress and tension between the two. That spouse may start to feel as though they need their partner to be happy, and can become too emotionally reliant on them. As well as one partner being too emotionally invested, mental health disorders do not help. Negative emotional reactions caused by disorders can become intensified. Partners that cannot get the support and assistance they need from their partners often resort to substance abuse and isolation. According to Pierre Imlay, a mental health therapist, in his article â€Å"Mental Illness in Couple Relationships,† â€Å"when the marital stress is at its peak, there's a greater likelihood of substance misuse, movement toward divorce, and male aggression.† Marriage can be viewed in both a positive and negative way. Marriage can be very beneficial to couples that have communicated to each other about their expectations for the relationship and marriage, their future, economic situation, and their mental health. If there is a major disagreement, you may want to rethink about getting married and weigh out the pros or cons, or else you may just end up being another statistic for divorce. Although marriage has many components that should be discussed beforehand, it ultimately is a beautiful thing that should be shared and taken seriously.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Art History Study Notes

Art Hist. Review Ancient Greek Art and Arch. (600 BCE-30 BCE) The Early Classical Period 480-450 BCE 5. 23 KRITIOS BOY Acropolis, Athens 480 BCE -Marble -He is self confident and serious looking -He is a sculpture in the round -The artist is believed to be KRITIOS -The statue has an S-curve to him and is in the contrapposto pose, which is when artists use tension and relaxation around the central axis of the body to increase to muscular tension and enhance the musculature of a body. It is shown here because his weight is all on the left foot, causing his hip to jut out.His right knee is slightly bent and he has a slight drop in his shoulders. -The artist also made a point to have his head slightly turned to hint that the viewer should take in the entirety of the piece. High Classical Period 450-400 BCE 5. 29 ACROPOLIS, ATHENS 447-432 BCE -In the High classical period which only lasted a half-century and set the standards for art and architecture. There was also turmoil between the Sp artans and the Athenians in this time period which was referred to as the Peloponnesian War. -â€Å"Acro† means high and â€Å"polis† means city. The Acropolis of Athens was once considered a fortress and sanctuary but was later turned into a religious and ceremonial centre for Athena the cities patron and protector. -It was destroyed by Persian troops in 480 BCE and was going to be left and a memorial site of ruins but Perikles convinced them to rebuild it. 5. 31 Parthenon, Acropolis Athens 447-432 BCE -KALLIKRATES AND IKTINOS -Pantelic Marble -Has the pediment, frieze, triglyph, metope, architrive, abacus, mechinus and necking -Athens, Corinth and Sparta. Depicted gods and goddesses who they believed were immortal and supernatural -Sanctuaries for gods and goddesses in form of outdoor alters—replaced by temples integrated into natural site -temples decorated with ceramic sculptures -mathematical proportions which artists use to convey structure and order 4:9 r atio 4Ãâ€"2+1 -human values of truth virtue and harmony -High classical period -plain capital -temple dedicated to Athena -stylobate floor columns rest on and stereobate foundation itself -post and lintel system -entasis columns slightly swell in the middle -Doric order plain capitals peace, prosperity and power through the building projects -transport wood, gold, marble and ivory -sculptures celebrate the Greek victory over Persians 5. 32 EAST PEDIMENT OF THE PARTHENON 447-432 BCE (ATHENS) – High Classical period 450-400 BCE -Sculpture in the round filled both pediments of the Parthenon -illustrated the birth of Athena, fully grown and clad in armor, from the brow of her father Zeus. -The statues from the west pediment are the best preserved of the two. -besides Zeus and the newborn Athena are three goddesses followed by a single reclining male figure who could be Diomysos or Herakles. In the left corner was Helios (sun god) in his horse-drawn chariot rising from the sea an d to the right the moon god Selene descends in her chariot to the sea. -The running female figure in the center is Iris the messenger of the gods. P. G. 134 SPEAR BEARER (DORYPHOROS) 450-440 BCE (NAPLES) -POLYKLEITOS -Marble -developed canon of proportions system of measurement used to determine the proportions of the body -contropposto pose is balance and counterbalance one foot bearing weight and one not bearing the weight.In this case his right foot is the one bearing all the weight of his body while the left foot is relaxed. -It is said to be the hero Achilles -Theorists believed that the basic unit was the length of the figures index finger or the width of the figures hand across the knuckles; others think it was the height of the head from chin to hairline. -S-curve -High classical period -spear bearer, idealized, exaggerated The Late Classical Period 400-323 BCE 5. 46 MAN SCRAPING HIMSELF (APOXYOMENOS) 350-325 (VATICAN) -LYSIPPOS -Marble sculpture -Done in the late classical period male nude athlete, which is a typical Classical subject -This is a sculpture in the round that depicts a young athlete after his workout removing dirt and oil from his body with a tool called a strigil. -Has a different canon of proportions than The Spear Bearer. -His head is smaller in proportion to The Spear Bearer and his legs are spread further apart to counterbalance his outstretched arms. -There is a pronounced S-curve to his posture. -The arms break free into the surrounding space inviting the viewer to take in the entirety of the piece. The Early Roman Empire 27 BCE-96 CE P. G. 76-177 ARA PACIS AUGUSTAE 13-9 BCE -Ancient roman art -Dedicated to Augustus’ triumphant return from the capital after three years of establishing Roman rule in Gaul and Hispania. -It was aligned with a giant sundial. -it contained propoganda of portraiture and allegory, religion and polotics and the private and the public. -on the inside of the alter there are foliate garlands suspended in swags from ox skulls, which symbolize sacrificial offering at the alter during annual commemorations and garlands signify the continuing peace and prosperity brought to the Roman world by Augustae. Augustae’s Imperial Family is depicted on the south side of the Ara Pacis and represent his extended family, possibly Marcus Agrippa (far left) who might have been his successor. The child pulling at Agrippa’s robe is possibly Agrippa’s son Gaius Caesar. The women next to Agrippa on the right may be Augustus’ wife, Livia who grasps her younger sons hand (Germanicus) who is in beside Tiberius (the next emporer). Behind Tiberius is Antonia, Augusts’ niece who looks at her husband Drusus (Livia’s younger son). -Pax Romana — Roman Peace -pointifex maximus—high priest 6. 34 & 6. 5 FLAVION AMPITHEATER (COLOSSEUM) 70-80 CE (ROME) -Tuscan bottom -Ionic middle -Corinthian on top -It was called the colosseum because the statue of Nero call ed the colossus stood next to it. -seating was by rank lower the rank higher you sat -Early Roman Empire -Flavion dynasty -begun under Vespasian finished under Titus -soldiers would fight animals -tiered seating with good sight lines from where you sit. -Top level covered by and onning -top story in referred to as attic -cartouche —shield shaped ornaments -look at Roman arches High Imperial Art of Trajan and Hadrian 6. 38 MODEL OF IMPERIAL ROME 324 CEColosseum, Temple of Venus and Rome, Arch of Titus, Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine, Rorum of Vespasian, Forum of Augustus, Forum of Julius Ceasar, Rostrum, Forum of Trajan, Basilica Ulpia, Colmn of Trajan, Patheon. 6. 45 THE PANTHEON 118-128 CE (ROME) -It was built for the â€Å"all the gods† -built by Marcus Agrippa son in law of Augustus -it has a giant rotunda surmounted by a huge, bowl-shaped dome. -the oculus that allows light into the rotunda building shows a pattern-like formation when looking up at the coffe rs in the dome’s ceiling. -Corinthian columns -optimus is a skylight or opening in dome corticoid of columns -Exadraie niche for the statues rectilinear and rounded arches -made out of brick and concrete (powdered lime, small rocks, pebbles, rubble) -produced during high imperial period -Hadrian oversaw building of this he admired Greek art and arch. -podium or steps in front of building that lead to porch -Rotunda and dome -Pantheon means all the gods Early Christian Art P. G. 228 OLD ST. PETER’S BASILICA 320-327 (ROME) -It is a longitudinal-plan churches are characterized by a forecourt, the atrium, leading to an entrance porch, the narthex, which spans one of the building’s short ends. The nave can be lit by windows along its upper level just under the clerestories, called a clerestory above the aisles roof. -At the opposite end of the nave from the narthex is a semicircular projection, the apse, which functions as the building’s focal point where the alter, raised on a platform. -plan is known as the Latin cross CHURCH OF SANTA COSTANZA 350 (ROME) -This church is a central-plan church, which were first used by the Christians. -Central planned churches have an atrium, a narthex, and an apse. It has a central more vertical axis from the center up through the dome, which may have functioned as a symbolic â€Å"vault of heaven†. 7. 15 ORATORY OF GALLA PLACIDIA 425-426 (RAVENNA) -It is one of the earliest surviving Christian structures in Ravenna is an oratory, which is a small chapel). -Its named after Honorius’ half-sister Galla Placidia. -Galla Placidia was the daughter of Western Roman Emperor, the wife of a Gothic King and the mother of Emperor Valentinian. -This small building is cruciform, which means cross-shaped. -Each arm is covered with a Barrel vault and a pendentive dome covers the square base at its center. it is designed to make you feel as though you are walking from the real world to the supernatural wo rld as you walk into the interior of the church. -the upper walls are filled with standing apostles, gesturing like orators. Eternal life in heaven is symbolized by doves flanking a small fountain between the apostles. -The Marter caries a cross over his shoulder like a trophy gesturing towards the fire-engulfed grill he was roasted on martyrdom. The Gospels are to the left signifying the faith for which he gave his life. 7. 16 THE GOOD SHEPARD 425-426 (RAVENNA) Jesus is an adult emperor wearing purple and gold royal robes. He wears a golden halo and carries a golden staff that ends in a cross to represent his imperial majesty. -Christianity was the official state of religion for the 45 years this is why the artist chose to depict Jesus in the mosaic. Early Byzantine Art 7. 17 CHURCH OF HAGIA SOPHIA 532-537 (ISTANBUL) -ANTHEMIUS OF TRALLES AND ISIDORUS OF MILETUS -means Holy Wisdom -It was rebuilt after a devastating revolt that killed 30,000 people set fire to the old church burnin g it to the ground. -Anthemius and Miletus rebuilt the church in just 5 years longitudinal and central architectural planning -flanking conches-semi domes-extend the extend central space into longitudinal nave with the narthex on one end and the half dome of the sanctuary apse on the other. The core called the naos is flanked by side isles and galleries overlooking the naos. 7. 20 CHURCH OF SAN VITALE 520 (RAVENNA) -Ecclesius bishop of Ravenna commissioned two new churched one for the port and one the city. -A martyrium is a church built over a grave was dedicated to 4th-century Roman martyr St. Vitalis in the 520’s -central domed octogon with circular rooms flanking the apse. the church and palace are joined by a separate oval narthex and access to second floor gallery. -It has a double set of doors leading into the church. 7. 21-7. 22 CHRIST ENTHRONED, FLANKED BY ANGELS, ST. VITALIS AND BISHOP ECCLESIUS 547 ( RAVEENA) -Early Byzantine Art -Christ is flanked by St. Vitalis a nd Bishop Ecclesius. -Christ appears dressed in imperial purple and enthroned on an orb of paradise, which is evident because of the 4 rivers that flow beneath him. -two winged angels flank him, like imperial bodyguards or attendants. -Christ holds a scroll with 7 seals at his Second Coming at the end of time. he offers a crown to martyrdom (far left) labeled by St. Vitalis. -Bishop Eucclesius holds a model of the church offering it to Christ. 7. 23 EMPEROR JUSTINIAN AND HIS ATTENDANTS, NORTH WALL OF APSE 547 (RAVENNA) -Early Byzantine Art -Justinian carries a large golden paten that will be used to hold the Eucharitic Host and stands beside Maximianus, who holds a gold jewel encrusted cross. The priests to the right hold carry the Gospels, in a golden jeweled book that symbolizes the coming of Word, and a censer with burning incense to purify. 7. 24 EMPRESS THEODORA AND HER ATTENDANTS, SOUTH WALL OF THE APSE 547 (RAVENNA) -Early Byzantine Art Theodora wears a golden halo and elabor ate crown while she stands under a fluted shell canopy, she carries a jeweled golden chalice. -The rulers present these gifts as offerings to Christ -At the bottom of Theodora’s cloak the three Magi who brought gifts to Jesus are depicted. -Revolves around themes of offering -They stand beside a fountain and the open doorway and curtain are space-creating devices. 7. 35 CHRIST PANTOKRATOR AT CREST OF CENTRAL DOME, WITH SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST IN THE PENDENIVES, (GREECE) LATE 11TH CENTURY -Early Byzantine Art The image of the Pantokrator is at the centre of the dome like a divine surveyor. -Christ blesses the segregation with one hand and clutches a massive book in the other. -In the corners piers are four signal life episodes: Annunciation, Nativity, Baptism and Transfiguration. 14. 13 14. 14 PALACE CHAPEL OF CHARLEMAGNE 792-805 (GERMANY) -The Carolingian Empire – Was Charlemagne’s private place of worship. -central octagonal plan with a monumental wester n entrance block. -It used westwork, which is a structure combined with a ground-floor narthex and an upper level throne room that opened onto the chapel interior. It also opened outside into a large walled forecourt. – The core of the chapel is surrounded by and ambulatory and a gallery on the second floor which rises to a clerestory under the dome and above the gallery. -There are Corinthian columns on the gallery level. -This chapel was clearly inspired by Byzantine Architecture with the mosaics and patterned multi-colored stone. 14. 16 SAINT GALL PLAN 817 (SWITZERLAND) -The Carolingian Empire -At the center of the Saint Gall Plan is the cloister, which is an enclosed courtyard which opens all the buildings that are most central to the lives of the monks. the large basilican church to the north of the cloister is where monks would gather for communal prayer throughout the day and night. -on the north side of the church there were public buildings. -the monks living quarter s were off to the southern and eastern sides of the cloister with the dormitory, refectory and work rooms. – the kitchen, brewery and bakery were attached to the refectory and a huge cellar was on the west side. -Along the East edge there is a hospital, cemetery, and an educational center. 14. 24 DOORS OF BISHOP BERWARD 1015 (GERMANY) -Bronze doors are more than 16 feet tall. Ottonian Europe -cast in the lost wax process -the left side depicted scenes from the Hebrew bible and the right was scenes from the new testament. -It depicts life in paradise, the fall, life in the new world and Eve’s children on the left and Promise of Return to Paradise, The passion, Infancy of Jesus and Mary’s child on the right. -all depicted in low relief Romanesque Art : in the Roman manner P. G. 458 THE PILGRIMAGE ROUTES TO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA -In the 11th and 12th centuries religious pilgrimage became very popular in Western Europe. 15. 7-8 THE ABBEY AT CLUNY 1088-1130 (FRANCE) in the 2nd half of the 11th century there were 200 monks in residence. -The cloister is at the center of the monastic community joining the church with domestic buildings and workshops. -it had elaborately carved capitals and relief sculptures on the piers. -it may have been to direct and inspire the monks thoughts and prayers. -Cluniac monks observed the traditional 8 hours of the Divine Office spread over the day and night. -The church was a basilica with five aisles, double transept with chapels and an ambulatory and radiating chapels around the alter. The nave had a three part elevation -it had pointed arches with Classical ornaments. -there were clerestory windows in each bay and a pointed barrel vault with transverse arches. 15. 9 -10 NAVE, ABBEY CHURCH OF NOTRE-DAME, FONTENAY 1139-1147 – founded by St. Bernard of Clairvaux – no interior decoration because he believed it would be a distraction to the monks – Cistercians led a very austere simple life â₠¬â€œ Romanesque means in the Rome manner – Feudalism lords owned lands loaned to Basils and bellow Basils were Peasants – Building has simplicity, austerity Windows symbolize the holy trinity- father, son and the holy ghost – Cloister is where the monks gathered – Simple geometric plan with a long bay-divided nave, rectangular chapels off the square ended transept arms and a shallow choir. – There are pointed barrel vaults over the nave and pointed arches in the nave arcade and side isle bays. 15. 22 SOUTH PORTAL AND PORCH, SHOWING CHRIST IN MAJESTY, PRIORY CHURCH OF SAINT-PIERRE, MOISSAC 1115 (FRANCE) -Christ in Majesty dominates the tympanum and is a visual of the Second Coming in chapters 4 and 5 of the Revelation. He is enclosed by a mandorla and a halo rings his head -the four winged creatures symbolize the evangelists, Matthew the man, Mark the lion, Luke the ox and John the eagle. -rippling bands may represent waves in the â€Å"sea of clas s like crystal† THE LAST JUDGMENT TYMPANUM AT AUTUN 1120- 1130 (FRANCE) -GISLEBERTUS -Inscription in Latin on Christ -Mary is enthroned as Queen of heaven and St. Peter bellow is shown with the large keys slung over his shoulder as heavenly gatekeeper. -angel pushes the saved into open archway and into heaven another figure stands beside the angel impatiently waiting to be hoisted up as well. cross and scallop shell identify two bottom figures as former pilgrims and will be a factor in their favor at the last judgment. -hell is represented as a Basilica with the devil emerging capturing sinners for eternal torment -he uses a sharp hook to capture luxuria who is the personification for lust. Gothic Art of the 12th and 13th Centuries 16. 6 WEST FACADE, CHARTERS CATHEDRAL 1134-1260 (FRANCE) -dedicated to the virgin Mary its main treasure is a piece of cloth said to have been worn by the Virgin Mary when she gave birth to Jesus. -It was a gift from Byzantine Empress Irene to Charl emagne surrounding the three doors is the Royal Portal used for important ceremonial entrances -the middle tympanum Christ enthroned in majesty returns at the end of time surrounded by 4 evangelists. The apostles in 4 groups of 3 fill the litel while 24 elders of the Apocalypse line the archivolts. -The right portal is dedicated to the Incarnation and shows Mary in the early life of Christ -in the left portal is the Ascension where Jesus floats up in a cloud supported by angels. -On the top of the three portals Jesus’ life on earth is depicted in a series of narrative scenes. Kings, Queens and prophets from the Hebrew bible are what give the Royal Portal its name. 16. 10-11 NAVE & PLAN,CHARTERS CATHEDRAL 1194 (FRANCE) -Romanesque pilgrimage plan -became typical Gothic structure -it used pointed arches, ribbed groin vaults and flying buttresses. -upper level was now a triform rather than a gallery -the large clerestory windows are formed with lancets that have small circular r ose windows done by plate tracery-holes cut in wall replaced with stained glass 16. 12 THE GOOD SAMARITAN WINDOW 1200-1210 (CHARTERS CATHEDRAL) -On sin and salvation and is Gothic narrative art -Jesus told his followers to teach a moral truth it is a parody for Jesus’ redemption for humanity’s sins -Adam and Eve’s fall introduce sin into the world and Christ rescues humanity from sin -figures characterize gothic figures because of their dancelike postures 16. 13 ROSE WINDOW AND LANCETS (CHARTERS CATHEDRAL FRANCE) 1230-1235 -quatrefoils are four lobed designs within the rose itself – The North Rose and its five lancet windows were a gift from Queen Blanche of Castille in 1230. -The rose window depicts the Glorification of the Virgin: Virgin and Child surrounded by doves and angels, then Old Testament kings and Old Testament prophets. Lancets, from left to right: Melchizadek and King Saul; King David and King Jeroboam; St Anne and the infant Mary with the a rms of the Royal House of France; King Solomon and King Nebuchadezzar; Aaron and Pharaoh. 16. 14-17 THE CATHEDRAL OF NOTRE-DAME IN REIMS 1211-1428 (FRANCE) -finished under Philip the Fair -five master masons directed the work over a century. -Mary is featured in the central portal, because of the growing popularity of her cult. -Christ crowns her as queen of heaven in the central gable. -â€Å"the gallery of kinds is the only horizontal element of the facade.WEST FACADE -It depicts Visitation and Mary on the left and Elizabeth pregnant with St. John the Baptist on the right. -the figures are in contrapposto pose because their weight is shifted to one foot as they turn towards each other. -Villard highlighted an innovation that was the development of bar tracery, where thin stone bars called mullions are inserted into the wall to form a lacy framework for the stained glass. 16. 31-32 PULPIT 1260 (ITALY) -NCOLA PISANO – Corinthian columns -elevated and are carved in design of animals -gothic trefoil arch and 6 sided pulpit enunciation angle of Gabriel announces that Mary is pregnant with Christ -classical and naturalistic style -New Testament Subjects -Each panel narrates several continuous scenes such as : Annunciation, Nativity and Adoration of the Shepherds. 16. 33 NATIVITY 1302-1310 (PISA) -GIOVANNI PISANO – deeply carved setting -Mary gazing at her baby as the midwife below her prepares the bath for the child. -Sheep, shepherds and angels spiral up towards the trees to the right -it is as dynamic as Nicola’s is static. Fourth Century Art in Europe 17. 5 VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED 1280 (FLORENCE) -CIMABUE -tempera and gold on wood panel the Virgin and Child are surrounded by angels and places a row of Hebrew prophets below them. -Mary is depicted in hierarchy and holds Jesus on her lap. – she looks at the viewer while gesturing at her son. -her throne is bronze with enamels and gems inset and provides framework for the figures. H e uses thin gold lines to highlight the drapery of the figures to give them a sense of divinity. -he gives naturalistic warmth and dimension to his human figures. 17. 6 VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED 1305-1310 (FLORENCE) -GIOTTO DI BONDONE – tempera and gold on wood panel -painted for the church of Ognissanti figures are in a symmetrical composition and use the hierarchy scale like Cimabue’s Virgin and Child Enthroned. -Mary takes up a large amount of space and overwhelms her Gothic throne. -the halos also overlap the faces of the figures in the background -she holds her child’s leg instead of pointing to him. -he has created a better sense of dimension compared to Cimabue’s -the angels are foreshortened and project towards us. 17. 7 SCROVEGNI (ARENA) CHAPEL 1305-1306 (PADUA) -GIOTTO DI BONDONE -fresco -he covered the entrance wall with The Last Judgment and the sanctuary wall with 3 scenes from the life of Christ. The Annunciation spreads over two painted ar chitectural frameworks on either side of the opening to the sanctuary. -below and to the left of this is the scene of Judas getting payment for betraying Jesus and to the right the scene of Visitation where Mary pregnant with God is with Elisabeth who is pregnant with John the Baptist. -Colors complement each other, which is supposed to make the viewers relate them to each other -there is a grisaille which is a painting done in all grays -paint replicated marble and carved medallions on vertical bands -portrait disks float like glowing moons in the blue sky. 17. MARRIAGE AT CANA, RAISING OF LAZARUS, LAMENTATION AND RESURRECTION/NOLI ME TANGERE 1305-06 (PADUA) -GIOTTO DI BONDONE -fresco -scene from Christ’s life -top left Jesus performs his first miracle, at the wedding feast at Cana turning water to wine and the wine-steward sips it. -to the right is the Raising of Lazarus where figures twist in space using gestures they react to the drama by pleading for the help of Jesus. J esus’ eyes are locked on Lazarus. -on the lower left register is Jesus’s followers grieving over his dead body in a circle of grief. Mary holds her dead son and John flings his arms back in despair and hunches over the corps. 7. 9 KISS OF JUDAS SCROVEGNI (ARENA) ITALY 1305-06 -GIOTTO DI BONDONE -fresco – the mark of betrayal that shows the first step to Crucifixion for Jesus. -they are slightly off-center in the foreground. -Judas wears the same outfit as in the scene of payment for his betrayal and looks as though he completely swallows Christ’s body. -faces glare from all directions -Jesus is calm unlike the figures in the rest of the scene. -Peter is seen lunging forward to cut off the ear of a member of the arresting retinue. -The scenes of cloth compress the chaos into the picture as if to protect the viewer.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Master thesis proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Master thesis - Research Proposal Example The pandemic of HIV/AIDS threatens not only the local population but has widespread ramifications for the rest of the world and needs to be addressed urgently and incorporated as intrinsic part of business strategy and social responsibility by the global business community. Financial aids to the sub Sahara is critical for developing infrastructure for the development processes so as to enable the local population to become self reliant and become proactive participants. The regions boast of the huge natural resources, rich in minerals and precious metals like gold, platinum, diamond etc. which are presently being exploited by the foreign agencies with scarce regard to the welfare of the local population. Financial aid would serve as the major incentive for promoting democratization of the republics and reinforcing equitable distribution of wealth through programmes and policies. The approach needs to be focused on literacy and development processes to promote income generating activities designed to raise the standard of living. But the rampant corruption in the sub Sahara greatly dissuades the donors which may defeat the objective of aid. According to a BBC report, ‘corruption is costing Africa more than $148bn dollars a year, increasing the cost of goods by as much as 20%, deterring investment and holding back development’ (BBC, 2002). The corruption has been found to be the most insidious factor that infiltrates almost all strata of society of Sub Saharan Africa. From the high level political grafts to low level bribing of police and custom official has become the norm that de-accelerates the development process. It therefore, becomes the major instrument adversely impacts the objectives of financial aid and must be addressed to improve and improvise the outcome of the same. What is financial aid’s effect on the Sub Saharan

Friday, September 27, 2019

MGMT 3010 Managing People For A Competitive Advantage Essay

MGMT 3010 Managing People For A Competitive Advantage - Essay Example Human resource personnel play a major role in the management of people throughout the organization. The human resource department is responsible for recruiting and selecting new employees. Once an employee is selected the job of the human resource professional does not end because HR personnel help in the development of employees by providing training and educational opportunities. The HR department also serves as a protection barrier due to the fact that their job involves ensuring companies complies with the pertinent labor laws of the state. Whenever there are problems with employees the human resource department steps in to take disciplinary actions. They also step in to solve any employee disputes among co-workers. The first line managers of organizations have the critical job of overseeing the work of a group of subordinate workers for which they are responsible. A supervisor is a person that is responsible for the day to day performance of a small group of people (Reh). The su pervisor is supposed to establish close relationships with his crew of workers in order to be able to motivate them to achieve higher levels of performance. The supervisor is responsible for solving the day to day problems employees face at work. The position of a supervisor is considered a lower level management position. Companies depend on the efforts of the supervisor to ensure workers are doing their job well. Whenever an employee has a concern he or she must first contact the supervisor about the problem since the supervisor is the immediate managerial resource the workers have available to them. The person that is responsible for ensuring all HR practices are implemented within the organization is the human resource manager. The human resource manager is considered a part of the upper management of an organization. The typical educational and work experience of a human resource manager includes an MBA in human resources and 5-10 years of professional experience. The job of th e human resource manager presents challenges to tactically handle the human resource tools and help the firm attract talented people (Buzzle). The HR resource manager must continually study the new labor laws in order to stay on top of any changes that may affect the employees. The person that is responsible for the entire performance of the employees within an organization is the general manager or the chief executive officer. The general manager has to ensure that the organization is operating at its maximum capacity. It is very important for general managers to keep everyone motivated. Moral problems among the staff can cause operating inefficiencies. General Managers depend on the efforts of other managers to get their job done. They must keep close communication with first line supervisors in order to know if there are any problems with the floor employees. Larger corporations have a chief executive officer in charge of the operation. Human resources are a very important functi on that can add a lot of value to an organization. In the 21st century companies differentiate themselves by the quality of their human capital. Organizations such as Starbucks Cafe have been able to maintain a competitive advantage due to their good

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Environmental Effects of Global Warming in Florida Research Paper

Environmental Effects of Global Warming in Florida - Research Paper Example This paper talks about the phenomenon of the global warming and its effects in Florida. Through undertaking this research the various environmental effects of global warming within the state become clearly understood. The experiences within other are reviewed through the research. The research will become essential in seeking to provide solutions to the adverse effects presented to the environment by global warming, upon the state of Florida. This exploratory research will seek to gather information regarding environmental effects of global warming in Florida. The information is gathered through review of existing environmental publication, exploration of the region and interviews with some interest group members. The average temperatures across the world have been observed to rise over a long period of time. These rising temperatures have continuously presented various effects upon the environment and other social systems across the world. Greenhouse gasses have been identified as presenting the biggest challenge in contributing towards global warming. Physical effects include the increased occurrence of extreme weather cases, which have been observed. These include hurricanes, which have been associated with global warming. Oceans have also been identified as becoming more acidified by the absorption of gases causing global warming. The temperature rise has also been observed within the oceans. The state of Florida has an extensive coastline, and the global warming effects from the oceans could be available.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Arguments For And Against Resistance To Change Essay

Arguments For And Against Resistance To Change - Essay Example With evidence of companies failing to change owing to resistance by employees, it is no wonder that organizations invest great time and resources to conduct training and coaching in order to reduce resistance to change. While there are strong arguments that support this view, there are various reasons to prove that managing resistance to change may, in fact, may not be a good idea always. One reason why resistance to change may be productive is that it prevents bad/wrong ideas from being assimilated in the organization. Employee resistance to change allows firms to rethink â€Å"why† they are changing. In other words, it allows leadership to reconsider the business case for change with a critical perspective. If all employees agreed and there was no resistance, clearly management could oversee the ‘downside’ of changing making it unprofitable for the firm in the long run. Furthermore, because resistance to change often comprises of the fear factor (including loss of status, power or even job for employees), it encourages the top management to discover the impact that change would have on the ‘people’. Therefore, resistance to change is essential in the sense that it allows management to develop an open-ended view of change and consider the drawbacks of change. By doing so, managers can then come up with policies and procedures to counter the drawbacks and make change more workable and feasible for employees. Furthermore, the fact that resistance is seen as a â€Å"problem† to change leads management to derive strategies to overcome rather than engage it. Managers may often go at length to reduce the ‘threat’ of resistance and, in doing so, may adopt tactics that may be harmful to the organization. As a result, it is common to find management taking on an overly defensive role in trying to push the change too hard as well as become overly protective of their status in trying to win the argument against disgrun tled employees (Watson, 1982). This occurs because management views resistance to change as a reactive process in which agents possessing power oppose the reactions of other agents (Jermier et al., 1994). This leads them into an evitable trap whereby the management becomes overly concerned with protecting their position and argument rather than listening to what the disgruntled employees have to say. As a result, communication is reduced and the situation evolves into a manager-employee conflict. This stems from the fact that managers may alienate employees who are seen as obstacles rather than resources for change. Consequently, this conflict results in loss of reputation and poor relationships with employees, thereby reducing the morale of employees. Additionally, managing resistance to change often brings with the incorrect assumption that resistance is a one-sided phenomenon. Managers may become overly simplistic to assume that resistance is caused only by the attitudes and beha viors of employees. In fact, many models, such as three dimensional model of change, are based on the inherent assumption that resistance is solely the product of the behavior, emotions and attitudes of the employees (Hayes, 2010). Under this view, managers attempt to see the resistors as irrational and self-centered and consequently, try to block their interference in the change process. Although this true, resistance to change can be attributed partially to the way in which the organization is bringing about change and the behavior of managers in this respect. Therefore, managers who hold this view often ignore the fact that resistance to change is, in fact, feedback and that it must not be blocked or reduced but dealt with

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

John Waller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Waller - Essay Example The musical techniques which Waller follows reflect the philosophies and cultural associations that he holds. Specifically, Waller focuses on uplifting music that is based on religious beliefs of Christianity. The musical techniques which Waller uses establish the same ideas and theories while helping to create stronger recognition of Christian music and expressions with the use of musical ideas. Examining six of the songs of Waller also develops a deeper understanding of the musical representations of Waller. The first song analyzed is â€Å"Identity† from the CD â€Å"The Blessing.† The concept of this is based on one finding their identity in God and Jesus while practicing different Christian beliefs in terms of what one’s true identity is. The structure is the first musical technique which highlights this. The structure is verse, chorus, verse, chorus. The verse has a specific set of chords that continue throughout the song. This combines with a change in the chorus to chords that are higher than the chorus to highlight the lyrics of â€Å"So you are, So I am†¦ I Am You.† The chords and the movement up are able to highlight the concept of identity with the song. The rhythm follows this with a steady rock beat in 4/4. This moves at a medium – fast pace to create a feeling of happiness throughout the song. This continues with the arrangement of music, including the bass, electronic guitar and drums. Each of these moves at a medium – fast pace to keep with the same idea. When one listens to this song, there is a sense of being happy and at peace with the concept of identity while establishing a different understanding of how the idea of being Christian and with Christ is one which reflects in happiness and peace. The second song, â€Å"The Blessing,† also from the CD â€Å"The Blessing† holds similar connotations as the first. The rhythm is in a fast four or 2/4 that is a part of the piece. The arran gement includes electronic guitar, piano, synthesizer, bass and drums. The introduction has a louder dynamic and seems to move faster. The first verse then moves at a slower pace with only a background drum holding the beat while the words and singing is highlighted. The same louder sound then comes back in for the second verse to make a louder sound and to highlight the idea of â€Å"let it be said of us.† The song is able to use these louder and softer differences to create a sense of motivation among others while the faster rock sound creates a movement of happiness and of being lifting. After the first verse and between the chorus, the sound becomes slightly louder to highlight the main message. The chords at this point move to a higher range to use the technique of motivation as the main highlight and to bring out the main hook of the song â€Å"be a blessing in life.† The music then moves back to the verse with the same chord change. When this occurs, the chorus seems to be more uplifting while the verses lead into this highlight and set of changes. The last part of the bridge is one that slightly alters by slowing down the rhythm accompaniment while moving faster with the lyrics. The faster rhythm and pauses then highlights the song. When this moves back to the chorus it is able to highlight the main message. The song ends with a coda that has a slower pace with the singing and similar chord change to highlight the motivational points of the song. The techniques of the song then work to create highlights that motivate the message of â€Å"being a blessing for life†. The third song, â€Å"Still Calls Me Son† from the CD â€Å"The

Monday, September 23, 2019

Marketing Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Marketing Cultures - Essay Example Subway India unlike USA offers various veg and non-veg stations specialized in fast food services. These stations give fast food service ranges from: This is a crunchy, crispy, and delicious Veggie Delite sandwich. It is a tasty combination of tomatoes, garden fresh lettuce, green peppers, olives, onions and pickles sandwiched on freshly baked bread Most vegetarian who loves this subway fast food livened up! It is a light, golden brown patty that combines the flavors of high-quality carrots, beans, bell peppers, and other assorted ingredients. As Indians say, the spice of life is variety! All these varieties emerge from the various veg and non-veg stations in Subway India but one may not necessarily get them in Subway USA due to the fact that there is only one veg and non-veg station in Subway USA. The Subway sandwich chain intended to team up with Softcard in an effort to offer customers a means of buying food via their own mobile phones (Gong, 2013:28). Indeed, Subway lived to its words and kicked off the NFC-based mobile payments using Softcard, a payments venture engineered by T-Mobile USA, AT&T Mobility and Verizon Wireless. Previously known as Isis Wallet, Softcard provided an app which supported mobile payments in at least 80 mobile devices sold by T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon and was preloaded on at least 30 different devices. Consumers were now able to utilize their NFC-enabled mobile devices to access payment terminal at their regional Subway restaurant in USA when paying for their food. This pilot program was only launched in Subway USA in 2013 and not in Subway India. The intention of payment service from the NFC-enabled mobile device was to reach at least 26,000 Subway locations within the US. The question as to whether iPhone 6 users will tap into Apple Pay to take advantage of these new systems was still valid by late 2013. However, Softcard and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example for Free

Annotated Bibliography Essay In order for NHS to satisfy its requirement to transmit large medical imaging files in a timely and secure manner, they must be able to subscribe to circuits of the appropriate bandwidth at each remote office to address the local needs. Unfortunately, the remoteness of some of these locations have resulted in the limitation of network connectivity options. Therefore, the cost-effective alternative to expensive, high-bandwidth internet circuits is to use a WAN optimization solution. A WAN optimization solution consists of a network appliance at each location that focuses on increasing network performance. It accomplishes this through the use of a combination of data compression, content and object-caching, data deduplication and protocol optimization. A WAN optimization appliance works in conjunction with the available bandwidth at a location. The host site would have an appliance that would build ‘acceleration tunnels’ to each of the appliances located at the remote sites. The appliances at the remote sites would be sized based upon the number of users and the available bandwidth at that location. This solution has a number of advantages. It is a very cost-effective approach. Higher bandwidth circuits in remote areas tend to be expensive. The purchase of network appliances are normally a capital expenditure that can be amortized over the life of the product. This timeframe is normally 3 to 5 years. On the other hand, the addition of larger circuits is an operational expenditure that incurs a higher recurring cost on a monthly basis. Secondly, these appliances are transparent to the end user. They do not require additional software on the users’ computers, or require any special setup on a per-user basis. NHS would very likely fall into the Early Adopters category in the Technological Acceptance Curve for this solution (Rogers, 2003). These individuals quickly buy into an idea when the possibility of real benefits have been established. They are primarily concerned with finding a strong match between their needs and the expected benefits (Moore, 1999). The use  of WAN optimization appliances would be an excellent fit for NHS and would be easily accepted by NHS management due to the ability to provide an optimal, technical and cost-effective resolution to the issue they are facing at the remote locations. This solution would allow them the means to meet their requirement to transmit large data files. References Rogers, Everett (2003). Diffusion of Innovations (5th Edition). New York, NY: Free Press Moore, Geoffrey (1999). Crossing the Chasm. United States: Harper Business Essentials

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hiring Manager Essay Example for Free

Hiring Manager Essay I have recently found through your online advertisement that your company is in need of an administrative support specialist to fill the position of clerical support staff. I am confident that upon your review of my credentials you will find that I am a perfect match for the job.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have five (5) years of extensive experience in administrative posts in a variety of professional environments. I have working knowledge of all general office procedures. I am fluent in many languages and exceptionally competent in office related computer software.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Details of my qualifications can be found on the attached resume. Professional and personal references are available upon request. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Media Portrayal of Gender Roles in the Household

Media Portrayal of Gender Roles in the Household The Right Man for the Job She suddenly snaps. Her infant accidentally bursts open her bottle and floods the car with milk, she jams on her brakes and parks her car in the middle of the bridge, blocking traffic. The police try to convince her to move her car, to no avail. The news reports An overworked and underappreciated housewife has parked on the bridge, refusing to budge. A crowd has gathered to observe the scene, some extend their sympathies: Sweetheart, whats the matter? and Not getting enough of the good stuff? Finally, her husband arrives and convinces her to get out of the car, and she is promptly arrested by the police. Theres a debate between the Mayor and the police chief on if the city should press charges or not. The Mayor, concerned about the optics of the situation, flatly states I can kiss the chick vote good-bye and if I go down, youre breaking my fall! This is the opening for Homer Alone, an episode of the Simpsons in which Marge, the quintessential housewife suffers a nervous breakdown and takes some time away from the chaos of family life, leaving Homer in the role of caretaker for the house and their infant daughter. In their investigation into the topic of masculinity in the media, Ronald Jackson and Jamie Moshin find that shows like The Simpsons can function as witty satires regarding American myths of normalcy and desirability in the public and private spheres. (184) The medias portrayal of the masculine role in the household has evolved over the decades, much of the time keeping pace with the general social trends. The post war show Father Knows Best, described by TV Guide as a normal, intelligent businessman controlling his family sensibly, even wisely and as a classic example of American Pop Culture at its best an idealized nuclear family with the patriarch providing for his stay at home wife, teaching their children to play catch, but if a situation required emotions, it was go talk to your mother. These tropes in the gave way to more multicultural families such as The Cosby show as the Reagan years approached. In the 90s, we had Roseanne a glance into the lower middle class, blue collar duel income familys struggles. These TV fathers roles became less of the father-knows-best stereotype and more involved roles as caregivers, taking active roles in their childrens lives and being equal partners in the decisions of the household. Despite this progress the media has made in showing men to be at least capable of sharing childcare burdens, men depicted in the media are showing to be essentially domestically-illiterate. The everyday activities, such as cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping for own household, caring for the elderly, the sick, and the disabled are still shown to be primarily womens work. The US Department of Labor, Womens Bureau reports that since 1940, the percent of women participating in the labor force the increased from just 24.3 percent 47 percent of the total U.S. labor force, and are projected to account for 51 percent of the increase in total labor force growth by 2018. Similarly, the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that In 1967, 49 percent of mothers were stay-at-home mothers. That proportion steadily dropped through the decades until 1999, when only 23 percent of moms stayed at home. The fight for Womens equality in political, economic, and social spheres has made great progress, however the division of household labor remains virtually unchanged. Domestic work and childcare are still seen as primary responsibilities of the women. After their shifts at work are completed, women are expected to complete chores and childcare. This double-burden was dubbed the second shift by American sociologist and academic Arlie Russell Hochschi ld in her book The Second Shift, written in 1989. Hochschild found that working women averaged three hours a day on housework while men averaged 15 minutes (259) Though nearly 20 years has passed since the publication, there has been little change in the balance of housework between male and female households. Theodore Greenstines 2005 study found that In general, regardless of income, education, ideology, or extent of paid employment, women tend to do far more domestic labor than their male partners (1039). Medias portrayal of the working mother has rarely been accurate, as Hotchschild describes an advertisement she presented to working mothers during interviews: She is not the same women in each magazine advertisement, but she is the same idea. She has that working mother look as she strides forward, briefcase in one hand, smiling child in the other. Literally and figuratively, she is moving ahead. Her hair, if long, tosses behind her; if it is short, it sweeps back at the sides, suggesting mobility and progress. There is nothing shy or passive about her. She is confident, active, liberated. She wears a dark tailored suit, but with a sick bow or colorful frill that says, Im really feminine underneath. She has made it in a mans world without sacrificing her femininity. And she has done this on her own. (258) Its not only advertisements that sell the idea of a Super-mom, but the stories of Celebrity Moms that dominate tabloid magazines, television, movies, and now social media that not only delegitimize the labor involved in housework, but also reinforce both the gendered stereotypes of who is responsible for the work, and the ease in which the work is completed. Women as consumers is not a new idea. PG productions, producers of the soap opera As the World Turns, spanned for 72 years and over 10,000 episodes, chiefly marketed towards women. PG productions is a subsidiary of Procter Gamble, an American multinational consumer goods company and makers of Swiffer, Tide and Bounce, who spend nearly $10 billion per year advertising budget. Product placement in womens media isnt just a happy coincidence, PQ Media, a media research company found that Product placements were worth $6.01 billion, up 12.8% from the previous year, the fifth straight year of growth. PQ Media projects that product placement revenue will reach $11.44 billion in 2019. Globally, women account for $20 trillion in annual consumer spending. Most of the income growth in the U.S. during the past 15 to 20 years is attributed to women, per the television consumer specialist firm Nielsen. The media doesnt only focus on the perceived stereotypical womens role as housekeeper, but often puts its female characters into traditionally feminine roles. In TV Guides list of best TV shows for the past year, the trend continues. The Walking Dead shows us that even in the zombie post apocalypse, women are the ones performing the childcare, nursing, preparation of food and forming community ties. Additionally, theres Penny in The Big Bang Theory. Penny, a waitress (typical female job) is shown to be living in a one bedroom apartment in LA, near a prestigious college. Most of her role in the series to function as a catalyst for the lead characters lack of social lives. As the show progressed, the other characters girlfriends are seen in having successful, professional careers, but are still expected to fill the emotive role in the relationship. An egregious example of this is Carrie Bradshaw of Sex the City. A struggling journalist is seen living an extravagant life, living in the upper east side of New York City. These women shown living above their means perpetuate what is considered an ideal life, contributing to the feminization of poverty. This phenomenon is described in United Nation reports revealing that there are 1.5 billion people living on 1 dollar a day or less, the majority of which are women. In addition, the gap between women and men caught in the cycle of poverty has continued to widen in the past decade. While women earn on average seventy-seven cents for every dollar earned by men, they are disproportionately concentrated in the lowest-paying fields. Furthermore, most the pay gap between men and women actually comes from differences within occupations, not between them and this gap widens in the highest-paying occupations such as business, law, and medicine (S. Pressman, The Shriver Report) One might think that such a significant economic impact would lead to more progressive representations in the media, however this does not seem to be the case. Advertisements, both televised and otherwise, very rarely show housewives or mothers outside of their stereotypical gender roles. The pick them back up add, produced by our friends at PG productions, was heavily broadcast during the 2014 Sochi Olympic Winter Games. Mya Frazier observes that Men are unmentioned, even if their breadwinner status is implicit: What working mother could devote herself solely to the making of an Olympian without substantial financial support? (Frazier). The question of where is dad? can be answered by considering other media. A meta-analysis shows that the odds of women being depicted at home (vs. at work) are approximately 3.5 times higher than for men (qtd. in JÃ ¶rg et. al). These gender stereotypes are nearly ubiquitous across not only American media, but society in general. Webster dictionary defines our idea of gender as the role or behavior learned by a person as appropriate to their gender are determined by the prevailing cultural norms. The perceived femininity or masculinity of a task is equally as culturally subjective. The hegemonic frame tends to constitute a good father as the responsible breadwinner/provider and protector gender identity for men has traditionally been associated with the competitive rationality of work rather than the intimate emotionality of family. (J. Gentry and R. Harrison, 77). This hegemony is reinforced by our real-life experiences, mass media exposure, and the ever-present social media feeds. Traditionally feminine tasks such as cooking, laundry, and cleaning are overwhelmingly performed by women; traditionally masculine tasks such as yard work and auto maintenance tend to be done by men (T. Greenstein, 1039). With the Simpsons family, the fault of the self-destructive pragmatic Family First idea that sends Marge over the edge. The husband and forever needy kids who will never appreciate her were hardly subtle ideas, even in a comedic or satirical format. In media, when the gender roles are reversed, how often is it successful? We often see the TV dad portrayed as inept, typically uninvolved or uncaring, unless the situation calls for a sardonic wit, then TV dad is your man. Among the worst offenders, we have Al Bundy of Married with Children, a blue-collar-everyman who either by laziness or ineptitude is completely absent from any domestic labor or parenting duties, unless they call for violence or a punchline. While satirical, the presentation of the masculine role in the family is to provide the paycheck, grumble, and be the butt of the joke. The inability or failure when gender roles are reversed is also a common trope. The Tim Taylors (Home Improvement) and to a lesser extent Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) all reflect the masculine breadwinner who may find themselves in an occasional feminized role, only to learn that they woefully under equipped to deal with the task at hand. While Marge Simpson was relaxing in a resort after her nervous breakdown, Homer struggled with even the most basic of household chores, inevitably getting drunk with his bar-fly best buddy Barnie and losing Maggie in the process. (Homer Alone) Even in the TV homes where there was a closer semblance to equality when it came to social, political or economic issues, we would rarely any flexibility or male housewifization (househusbandization?). Dan Conner (Roseanne) was shown in a more active role in the parenting of his children -but the shows namesake was the primary housekeeper, child raiser, and do-it-all blue-collar mom a much better representation of the second shift idea. Cliff Huxtable (The Cosby Show) and his wife Clair were equals, but the gender roles were never questioned. Despite the forward progression and increased airtime of a less oafish and more, helpful father, research has consistently indicated that husbands are not doing much more housework than they ever did (although they are on a relative basis, as wives are doing much less; (qtd. Robinson and Godbey, 1997) Typically, its only representations of single fathers like Danny Tanner (Full House) that are not only shown in the house husband role, but are not failing at it. Only by not having a wife or mother in the house to fall back on, would the male take on the traditionally feminine tasks. In James Gentry and Robert Harrisons study of gender portrayals in the media, they found that single fathers needed to redefine their masculinity as they become involved parents. Traditionally (or at least in the 20th century), only one form of masculinity was conceived; this masculinity is non-feminine (or anti-feminine), independent, heterosexual (or anti-homosexual), tough, and takes risks (qtd, 79). The persistence of gendered labor inequality within the home is caused in part by the reluctance of men to participate in the lesser-valued roles that women perform and to avoid being emasculated by performing womens work. For example, in The Second Shift, Hochschild describes the division of household labor between Nancy and Evan, married parents of one child who both worked full-time. Evan refused to share the housework equally with his wife, feeling that this was not his responsibility as a man and that he was entitled to refuse to participate in tasks that he saw as his wifes (261). This suggests that at their core, men are psychologically predisposed to reject housework due to its apparent femininity, an idea that mass media has all but reflected and marketed back to consumers. The difference being that in the media examples, there is rarely a cost to only one parent working the second shift. When it comes to duel income families, Rebecca J. Rosen of The Atlantic writes The statistics on this are a bit of a mess, as moms and dads report different household divisions of labor, both when it comes to chores and parenting. Dads are more likely to see the division as equal, and it can be tricky business to sort out whos right. While its unlikely that there is a shadowy cabal of men and fathers looking to shrug off their housework to their presumably exhausted wives by influencing mass media outlets, the perception of inequality at home is a tricky subject. Greenstein explores this idea: Just as differences in gender ideology (at the individual level) have been found to lead women to different choices of comparative referents and consequently to reach different conclusions about the fairness of the division of household labor, national context provides a comparative referent for married women from which they might form their perceptions of justice relevant to the division of household labor. I propose that women not only compare themselves to other individuals when making determinations of fairness or justice but that they also compare themselves to the more generalized conception of the level of support for gender equity in their nation. That is, women who perceive a high level of support for gender equity in their generalized comparative referent- for example, their perception of the beliefs of the people in their nation or society-are more likely to perceive microlevel inequalities as inequities (1040). If ideals of fairness or inequality are founded in the perception of what is happening in others lives, then what we see in the media must be included in that. If there were more Rosannes and less Peg Bundys, would women feel more shortchanged by the division of household labor. If the they (the media, or shadowy cabal of lazy men) could show men performing reproductive labor without appearing emasculated, would that change things? Its not as if the advertising and entertainment is completely bereft of positive household-male examples. After the Pick Them Back Up ad ran during the Sochi Olympic, they produced a similar ad directed towards males. Unfortunately, it was a social media non-starter. Consider the forgettable 2013 Power of Dads Oral-B spot. It offers a succession of heartwarming clips of dads joyfully engaged with their children, but didnt exactly burn up the viral charts. An ad about a stay-at-home dad doing laundry for Tide? A measly 60,000 views on YouTube. (M. Frazier) We can plainly see that it was ingratitude and an unequal share of work that led to Marge Simpson breaking down on a bridge, going ballistic was a cry for help that could resonate with anybody whos work has been chronically underappreciated, even the police woman taking Marges mug shot gives her the sisterly empathy, Off the record, maam. All the girls on the force knew just how you felt (Homer Alone). If the lesson was to show how we underappreciate the women in our lives, the return to normalcy at the end of sitcoms is the undoing of any lesson or basis for comparative basis. Ronald Jackson and Jamie Moshin quote In these spaces, however, the critiques of dominant norms fall short when the characters return to their traditional roles at the conclusion of the episodes. (qtd. 184). Without the continuity of lessons learned, there is no real impact. In the next episode, Homer and the kids are right back to their scheming, lazy, and unappreciative selves. Marges breakdown, subsequent c atharsis has meant nothing. Its not all hopeless, the gap in the division of household labor is slowly closing. The status quo has protected male privilege, but its not permeant. The ultra-masculine western cowboy is now seen as nothing more than a cultural relic (J. Gentry and R. Harrison, 98). Fathers depicted in Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 80s was killing entire private militias in the movie Commando then in the 90s he was performing literal reproductive labor in Junior. Our views of what emotional value labor holds and if our ideas about masculine and feminine work can change. If Homer Simpson can, even for a short while, perhaps the rest of us can too. Works CitedHochschild, Arlie Russell, and Anne Machung. The Second Shift. New York, Penguin Books, 2003. Web. Frazier, Mya. Honor Your Mother: Dont Watch That Patronizing Viral Ad. New Republic, 8 May 2014, Greenstein, Theodore N. National Context, Family Satisfaction, and Fairness in the Division of Household Labor. Journal of Marriage and Family 71.4 (2009): 1039-051. Web. Lafayette, Jon . Product Placement Revenue Climbing 13.2% This Year. Product Placement Revenue Climbing 13.2% This Year | Broadcasting Cable. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Feb. 2017. Paek, Hye-Jin, Michelle R. Nelson, and Alexandra M. Vilela. Examination of Gender-role Portrayals in Television Advertising across Seven Countries. Sex Roles 64.3-4 (2010): 192-207. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. Pressman, Sonja. Top 18 Issues Challenging Women Today. The Shriver Report. N.p., 21 May 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2017. Gentry, J., and R. Harrison. Is advertising a barrier to male movement toward gender change? Marketing Theory 10.1 (2010): 74-96. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. Rosen, Rebecca J. Money-Rich and Time-Poor: Life in Two-Income Households. The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017. Matthes, JÃ ¶rg, Michael Prieler, and Karoline Adam. Gender-Role Portrayals in Television Advertising Across the Globe. Sex Roles 75.7-8 (2016): 314-27. Web. 1 Feb. 2017. Jackson, Ronald L., and Jamie E. Moshin. Communicating marginalized masculinities: identity politics in TV, film, and new media. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print. Homer Alone. The Simpsons. Fox, 6 Feb. 1992

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Norse Mythology :: essays research papers fc

The book entitled "Norse Mythology" by Karl Mortensen, is the book I chose to read for my first book report for this semester. The book was translated from the Danish by A. Clinton Crowell. Karl Mortensen was a doctor of philosophy whom attended the University of Copenhagen. The first part of the book is the general introduction. Here, you find the author's meaning of "Norse mythology" and where he got his information. He says, By "Norse mythology" we mean the information we have concerning the religious conceptions and usages of our heathen forefathers, their faith and manner of worshipping the gods, and also their legends and songs about the gods and heroes. The importation of Christianity drove out the old heathen faith, but remnants or memories of it long endured in the superstitious ideas of the common people, and can even be traced in our own day. In the general introduction, the author tells us why we teach Norse mythology. He tells us that for us, Norse mythology has in any case the advantage of being the religion of our own forefathers, and through it we learn to know that religion. This is necessary if we wish to understand the history and poetry of our antiquity and to comprehend what good characteristics and what faults Christianity encountered when it was proclaimed in the North. Finally, it is necessary to know the most important points of the heathen faith of our fathers in order to appreciate and enjoy many of the words of our best poets. "Norse Mythology" is comprised of four main sections. The first section contains the creation myth, which is extremely confusing because it talks about brother's aunt's cousin's children from second marriages and what importance they were in those golden times. It's quite hard to understand, and I had to read it over twice to make sure I understood. The second part of the first section discusses the creation of the gods and the stories of their lives. And the last part is entitled Ragnorak, which stands for the enemies of the gods. All of this was quite interesting to read. The second section of the book talks about common popular belief. It says that our forefathers, like other heathen people, found one of the plainest proofs of the soul's independence of the body and its ability to take a hand in the affairs of living men in the nightmare and dream, as they lacked all other means of explaining those things. They therefore took it for granted that they were spirits, usually in the form of animals or men.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Writing of James Baldwin Essay -- Notes of a Native Son

The Writing Wisdom of James Baldwin James Baldwin is not known by much of America’s youth today, and his writings are not taught in many schools. His style of writing, however, is ultimately unique. Baldwin’s African-American viewpoint is very rare, creating a fresh way to look upon American culture and ethnicity. There also may be no other author like Baldwin that blends narrative and analysis seamlessly, while still keeping the reader interested in the story at hand. In â€Å"Notes of a Native Son,† Baldwin uses this weaving of narration and analysis to show his inability to see how his father’s personality had impacted and molded his own personality. In â€Å"Notes of a Native Son,† Baldwin’s mastery of weaving narrative and analysis is blatantly obvious. The premise behind the essay is the relationship between Baldwin and his father. The essay takes the reader through trials and tribulations in Baldwin’s life, including the spats between him and his father. Their relationship was, safe to say, slightly aloof. Baldwin describes throughout the essay the fact that he and his father would rarely speak, and that when they did, it usually ended in an argument. The essay also paints a picture of Harlem in the 1940’s, specifically during the massive riots of 1943. Baldwin describes other riots and social situations that were occurring around the rest of the country at the same time as the Harlem riots. The essay also describes the death of Baldwin’s father, and the emotions incurred by James and his family. Baldwin also does some reflection in this essay, describing his feelings towa rds his father and how they have changed over more than a decade since his death. Baldwin often uses his feelings towards ... ... The style at which Baldwin mixes true story with gut-wrenching emotion in â€Å"Notes of a Native Son† is absolutely astounding. He draws the reader into the story, and then lets them in to his heart and soul. His ability to incorporate his feelings with those of the African-American race is what makes this essay unique. He does not simply write the first half of the paper as a narrative, and then spend the final half analyzing himself. He analyzes himself at every opportunity that he sees fit, after every major occurrence in he and his father’s life. Baldwin’s blunt, perhaps even crude analysis of himself, his father, and both the white and black races shows that he is not afraid of what others think. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.